Introduce your students to the exciting science of DNA Sequencing. This kit contains the four Ready-to-Load sequenced DNAs (nucleotides A, C, G, & T) in an easy to use, safe format. Students load the four separate reactions into agarose gels, run the gels, stain them, and actually read the DNA sequence. This experiment can be used to introduce genome concepts and help your students gain a better understanding of the science behind DNA sequencing.
Instructions, Ready-to-Load QuickStrip™ DNA Samples, UltraSpec-Agarose™, Electrophoresis Buffer (50X), Practice Gel Loading Solution, FlashBlue™ DNA Stain, InstaStain® Blue Cards, & Disposable Pipets.
All You Need:
DNA Electrophoresis, Micropipettes: 5-50 µl (Optional), White Light Box, & Microwave or Hot Plate.
Room Temperature Stable. Storage of Ready-to-Load QuickStrip™ samples in the Refrigerator is Recommended.
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Ready-to-Load DNA Sequencing
Introduce your students to the exciting science of DNA Sequencing. This kit contains the four Ready-to-Load sequenced DNAs (nucleotides A, C, G, & T) in an easy to use, safe format. Students load the four separate reactions into agarose gels, run the gels, stain them, and actually read the DNA sequence. This experiment can be used to introduce genome concepts and help your students gain a better understanding of the science behind DNA sequencing.
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