Investigation 9: Biotechnology – Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA
Analysis of Eco RI Cleavage Patterns of Lambda DNA
This experiment introduces the use of restriction enzymes as a tool to digest DNA at specific nucleotide sequences. Bateriophage lambda DNA has a linear structure and 6 Eco RI recognition sites. Separation by agarose gel electrophoresis of an Eco RI digest of lambda DNA will yield 6 bands (5 distinct bands, two are very close in size) corresponding to the DNA fragments.
Instructions, DNA samples (packaged as either Pre-aliquoted QuickStrip™ connected tubes or as individual 1.5 ml (or 0.5 ml) microcentrifuge tubes), UltraSpec-Agarose™, Electrophoresis Buffer (50X), Practice Gel Loading Solution, FlashBlue™ DNA Stain, InstaStain® Blue Cards, & Disposable Pipets.
All You Need:
DNA Electrophoresis, Micropipettes: 5-50 µl (Optional), White Light Box, & Microwave or Hot Plate.
Room Temperature Stable. Storage of Ready-to-Load QuickStrip™ samples in the refrigerator is recommended.
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Investigation 9: Biotechnology – Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA
Analysis of Eco RI Cleavage Patterns of Lambda DNA
This experiment introduces the use of restriction enzymes as a tool to digest DNA at specific nucleotide sequences. Bateriophage lambda DNA has a linear structure and 6 Eco RI recognition sites. Separation by agarose gel electrophoresis of an Eco RI digest of lambda DNA will yield 6 bands (5 distinct bands, two are very close in size) corresponding to the DNA fragments.
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